And baby makes 7

I’m back!!


As you can tell, my track record held true and I pretty much disappeared for a bit.  There wasn’t much in the way of things needing to be updated or ramblings that I wanted to take.  During the time I’ve been absent here, though, I’ve given birth.


That’s right. Baby girl has arrived.  In fact, it’s been about a month.  Things had been hectic from the get go.  I will do a quick run down here:

So, the 17th of January I had to go to the clinic an drop off a lovely 24hr urine test.  I forget exactly what this was for but it was necessary (I think it was linked to blood pressure).  After that I had to work a small 4 hour shift.  About 5 minutes before my shift ends my phone rings. Thankfully I saved the clinic’s number so I knew they were the ones calling me and I decided to answer it.  I am told that the test came back positive and that my doctor wanted me to go to the hospital.

I was being induced. 2 weeks early. 1 week earlier then planned.  I screamed on the inside and stepped back into the kitchen.  I looked at my coworkers and and pretty much said the following. “Um, I know it’s only 5 minutes early but, uh, I gotta go now.”  ‘Whats going on? Everything okay?’  “Um yeah.  I have to go to the hospital. I’m going to have a baby.”

Cue screaming/happy noises. Mind you, those in the kitchen at the moment were all men, so it was cute.

My time in the hospital was good, considering everything.  I was on medication for 2 days to try and get things moving along, but nothing was really happening.  My water was broken manually and I was given another medication to actually start contractions.  That is when the ‘fun’ happened.  I went from 2cm to 8cm real quick, my pain shot through the roof, and when ever I had a contraction my child’s heart rate dropped significantly.  They messed around with the medication to try and even things out but nothing worked.  Either I stopped having contractions and baby was fine, or I had contractions and baby’s heart rate dropped.

So, planned emergency C-Section. From the moment they decided that and got the first round of meds in, I was gone.  What felt like only 15 minutes of time was closer to an hour or more.  I felt nothing and I was in and out of sleep.  Grendal was essentially alone with our child for the first 4 hours of her life since I was passed out and feeling like shit thanks to everything that was needed for the C-Section.

From that point, everything was pretty routine from what I understand.  Our little Miirik was born on January 19th and we’ve been managing ever since.

The animals have little care that another member of the house.  Until she is crawling and actually aware of things, that is.

I’m not too sure what else to post about this.  Everyone is doing well. We’re as sane as we can be.